2009 Colorado Volleyball Tournaments
2009 Tournaments will be added as dates are confirmed.
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January 2/3, 2009: Corona Winter Beach Series #2 @ The Island King/Queen Tourney. Info @ 303.745.2255 www.ColoradoWinterBeachSeries.com
January 9, 2009: Rotating Pairs at the Island, B/BB/A, Forms at www.votr.com or call Doug @ 303.745.2255
January 10, 2009: Corona Winter Beach Series #3: MEN's King Tourney @ TheIsland. Info @ 303.745.2255, www.ColoradoWinterBeachSeries.com
January 17, 2009: Corona Winter Beach Series #3: Women's Queen Tourney @the Island. Info @ 303.745.2255, www.ColoradoWinterBeachSeries.com
January 17-24, 2009: 16th Annual SOB Volleyball Vacation,Ixtapa Mexico www.SOBVolleyballVacations.com.
January 24-31, 2009: 16th Annual SOB Volleyball Vacation,Ixtapa Mexico www.SOBVolleyballVacations.com.
January 25, 2009: Bumps and Bruised for Kyle, Reverse Coed A 4's, BB 6's. For Info. check out www.southmetrovball.org. Sportsbridge Hardcourt Facility.
January 31, 2009: Mel's Rock n Volley, The Island. Coed 4x4Volleyball Tournament, Benefit Party and Silent Auction. Please visit www.melaniesfund.com for info. Live music: Ken Lee and Solar!
February 7, 2009: Corona Winter Beach Series #: MEN's KingTourney at The Oasis. Start times tbd, info @ 303.745.2255.www.ColoradoWinterBeachSeries.com
February 14, 2009: Corona Winter Beach Series #3: Women's Queen Tourney at the Oasis. Start times tbd, info @303.745.2255 www.ColoradoWinterBeachSeries.com
February 27/28, 2009: Triple Diamond Tourney, Fruita, CO. Men's/Women's Hardcourt3's. $120 per team with shirt. For info contact Amelia Conner at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call Amelia at 970-201-0895 or 970-243-4625
February 28, 2009: Hawkfest Spikefest, Reverse Coed A 4's, Coed BB 6's. For info. check out www.southmetrovball.org. Sportsbridge Hardcourt Facility.
March 27-28, 2009: JDRF Rotating Pairs, The Island. Annual Fundraiser for Juvenile Diabetes. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
April 18, 2009: Mountaineer Magic, Coed 4's. For info email Melissa Tucker at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Gunnison, CO.
May 15, 16, 2009: Fri/Sat, Lobsterpolluza, Grass 4x4 rotating pairs fundraiserfor SIDS. Garland Park. www.lobsterpolluza.com
May 15, 16, 2009: Sat/Sun, Sandia Classic, Sand 2's, Pro/A/B, Albuquerque,NM, www.sandiavolleyball.blogspot.com.
May 15, 2009: Saturday, Regis PT Volleyball Tournament, Grass 4x4 Co-Ed, Rec/Comp Divisions, Register @ active.com, Joni Boos, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
May 25, 2009: Memorial Day Coed Doubles A, BB, B. For more info contact Kay Palmer 303-467-7132 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. www.apexprd.org.
May 29, 30, 2009: Fri-Sun, Beach Bash Doubles, grass/sand 2'sIsland Sand / Garland Grass, Colorado. Includes dinner at theIsland during Saturday Night Finals. www.beachbashdoubles.com
May 30, 2009: White Water Classic, Grass/Sand 2's, Durango, CO This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
May 30, 2009: Junior Volleyball Summer Series, 14U, 16U, 18U Grass 2's. Herritage HS Athletic Fields. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
June 6, 2009: Volleymania, grass/sand 2's, M/W/Coed/Jnrs, Arapahoe Community Park www.coloradovolleyball.com
June 6, 2009: Sizzlin' Summer Jump Off, grass 2's, M/W/Coed/Jnrs, Stapleton Central Park www.coloradoflyersvb.com or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
June 13, 2009: Summer 6-Pack #1, Open Sand 2's, Denver, Garland TD's Mike Doucette/Chad Bond/Tanya Bond. Info @ 303.745.2255
June 13, 2009, Saturday: Metro State Doubles, grass 2's, MSC Soccer Field. www.roadrunnervolleyball.net. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Lisa @ 303.556.4876
June 13, 2009: Volley For Kids, grass 4's/6's, Washington Park. www.volleyforkids.org This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Katie @ 720.343.2803
June 19-21, 2009: Fri-Sun, King of the Mountain, Grass/Sand 2's. Vail, CO www.kingofthemountainvolleyball.com.
June 20, 2009: The Sizzlin' Green Event, grass 2's, M/W/Coed/Jnrs,Wash Park www.coloradoflyersvb.com or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
June 27, 2009: Junior Volleyball Summer Series, 14U, 16U, 18U Grass 2's. Herritage HS Athletic Fields. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
June 27, 2009: Lakewood Park n Rec Volleyball Tournament, Grass/Sand 2's Lakewood Park, Chrissy Kalies @ 303.987.4800, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or www.lakewood.org/recreation
June 27, 2009: CGVA Volleypalooza Grass 4 Person Tourney, Congress Park, Denver. www.cgva.org
June 28, 2009: VOTR Grass 4x4 Challange, grass coed 4's, Lowry Sports Complex Denver, www.votr.com. (303.745.2255)
July 4, 2009: Independence Day, no work on Friday the 3rd!
July 10, 11, 12, 2009: Steamboat Doubles, grass/sand 2's Steamboat Springs, Colorado. www.steamboatdoubles.com
July 11, 2009: Junior Volleyball Summer Series, 14U, 16U, 18U Grass 2's Herritage HS Athletic Fields. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
July 11, 12, 2009: BBBQ Doubles VB Tournament, Cozad NE. Contact Darrel Francescato @ 308-784-5100 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
July 18, 2009: Spike It Rich, Adult + Juniors grass 2's Aurora Sports Park, www.coloradovolleyball.com
July 18, 2009: Lakewood Park n Rec Volleyball Tournament, Grass/Sand 2's Lakewood Park, Chrissy Kalies @ 303.987.4800, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or www.lakewood.org/recreation.
July 25, 2009: INROADS 6 person Recreational Volleyball Tournament. For information, contact Dwight Gentry @ 303.967.5797 www.inroads.org.
July 25, 2009: Late Bloomers Mens/Womens Doubles A, BB, B. More info contact Kay Palmer 303.467.7132 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
July 25, 26, 2009: Boulder Classic by Sports Oasis. Sand: M/WOpen Grass: M/W A/BB/B, Coed A/BB. Broomfield.
July 25, 2009: CCU Doubles, Grass Coed Rotating 4's, Lakewood, CO Colorado Christian Campus, www.ccu.edu/athletics/teams/volleyball/
August 1, 2009: Sizzlin' Hot Challange, grass 2's, M/W/Coed/Jnrs, Stapleton Central Park www.coloradoflyersvb.com or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
August 1, 2009: March of Dimes Mudd Volleyball, Coed Mudd 8x8's, Aurora Business Park www.marchofdimes.com
August 8, 2009: Colorado Volleyball Championships, grass/sand2's, Arapahoe Community Park www.coloradovolleyball.com
August 8, 2009: Summer 6-Pack #2, Open Sand 2's, Denver Location Garland Park. www.VOTR.com
August 14, 15, 16, 2009: Putterhead Doubles, grass/sand 2's, Breckenridge, Colorado www.putterheaddoubles.com. Sponsored by Kenosha Steakhouse and the Breckenridge Brewery. 350 team cap.
August 15-16, 2009: Spikefest 2009, grass 3's & 5's, sand 2's. Colorado Springs.www.spikefest.com
August 15, 2009: Aids Walk Colorado Volleyball Tournament, Grass 4's Cheeseman Park, Denver. www.aidswalkcolorado.com.
August 22, 2009: Tim Weiand Memorial Volleyball Tournament, Grass/sand 2's Lakewood Park, Chrissy Kalies @ 303.987.4800, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or www.lakewood.org/recreation
August 29, 2009: Summer 6-Pack Invitational Finale, Open Sand 2's @ Denver Metro Location TBD. Top 8 teams from 7 summer events including BB2x, Six-Pack #1, Vail, Steamboat, Oasis Doubles, Putterhead, and Six-Pack #2
August 29/30, 2009: 1st Annual Bre Bump Volleyball Tournament, Comp 4's, Rec 6's, Chipper's Lanes 217 W Horsetooth Road, Fort Collins, 970.226.6327
September 3-7, 2009: 37th Annual Motherlode Volleyball Classic, Aspen, CO. Coed/Men's/Women's Grass and Sand 2's, www.motherlodevolleyball.com.
September 12-13, 2009: Sunset Blast Coed/Mens/Womens Doubles A, BB, B. Lutz Complex. For more info contact Kay Palmer 303-467-7132 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
September 13, 2009: VOTR Grass 4x4 Challange, Grass Coed 4's, Cook Park, Denver www.votr.com (303.745.2255)
September 19, 2009: BoneDigger Mens/Womens Doubles A, BB, B King/Queen of the Beach Denver CO. More info contact Jennifer Abbenhaus 303-325-7887 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Click here for Website
See You Next Year!